Tilehurst, Berkshire, England


Tree: Watts Genealogy

Latitude: 51.45, Longitude: -1.0333

⭐ Birth

Matches 1 to 17 of 17

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    â­ Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Eckett, Caleb  24 Apr 1859Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I99 Watts Genealogy 
2 Eckett, Charlotte  Sep 1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I98 Watts Genealogy 
3 Eckett, David  8 Apr 1855Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I103 Watts Genealogy 
4 Eckett, Elizabeth  1833Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I87 Watts Genealogy 
5 Eckett, Elizabeth Hester  Oct 1873Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I102 Watts Genealogy 
6 Eckett, Ellen Amelia  Jun 1892Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I82 Watts Genealogy 
7 Eckett, George Stephen  1852Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I74 Watts Genealogy 
8 Eckett, Jane  1831Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I86 Watts Genealogy 
9 ECKETT, JOHN WILLIAM  1864Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I371 Watts Genealogy 
10 Eckett, Philip  1840Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I89 Watts Genealogy 
11 Eckett, Sarah  1829Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I85 Watts Genealogy 
12 Eckett, Stephen John  Mar 1852Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I101 Watts Genealogy 
13 Eckett, Thomas  1827Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I84 Watts Genealogy 
14 Eckett, William  1835Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I88 Watts Genealogy 
15 Eckett, William James  30 Dec 1867Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I100 Watts Genealogy 
16 STACEY, ESTER MARY  1834Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I352 Watts Genealogy 
17 STACEY, JOHN  1802Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I75 Watts Genealogy 

🏡 Residence

Matches 1 to 18 of 18

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    🏡 Residence    Person ID   Tree 
1 SARAH  1851Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I76 Watts Genealogy 
2 Eckett, Caleb  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I99 Watts Genealogy 
3 Eckett, Caleb  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I99 Watts Genealogy 
4 ECKETT, CHARLES  1851Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
5 ECKETT, CHARLES  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
6 ECKETT, CHARLES  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
7 Eckett, Charlotte  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I98 Watts Genealogy 
8 Eckett, David  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I103 Watts Genealogy 
9 Eckett, George Stephen  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I74 Watts Genealogy 
10 Eckett, George Stephen  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I74 Watts Genealogy 
11 ECKETT, JOHN WILLIAM  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I371 Watts Genealogy 
12 Eckett, Stephen John  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I101 Watts Genealogy 
13 Eckett, Stephen John  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I101 Watts Genealogy 
14 Eckett, William James  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I100 Watts Genealogy 
15 STACEY, ESTER MARY  1851Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I352 Watts Genealogy 
16 STACEY, ESTER MARY  1861Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I352 Watts Genealogy 
17 STACEY, ESTER MARY  1871Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I352 Watts Genealogy 
18 STACEY, JOHN  1851Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I75 Watts Genealogy 


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 ECKETT, CHARLES  1822Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
2 ECKETT, CHARLES  1823Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
3 ECKETT, CHARLES  1823Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
4 ECKETT, CHARLES  1825Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I351 Watts Genealogy 
5 Eckett, Stephen John  1857Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I101 Watts Genealogy 
6 STACEY, ESTER MARY  1833Tilehurst, Berkshire, England I352 Watts Genealogy